
A New World Awaits

This is not a summary of the book The Biology of Transcendence by Joseph Chilton Pearce , it is what I have gained by reading it. The most profound book I have read to date. Sat Prem , asked this question: "Why, after thousands of years of meditation, has human nature not changed one ioata?" "in the same vein, this book asks why, after two thousand years of Bible quoting, proselytizing , praying, hymn singing, cathedral building, witch burning, and missionizing has civilization grown more violent and efficient in mass murder?" Pearce explains the biology and significance of the brain in depth. One needs to read this to understand and know that with our mind power, we can change the world's outcome. Enculturation  as spoken about in his book, is a state that can be changed but will take many centuries to accomplish and cannot be done as a "religion " but with a change in mind set, one individual at a time. Religion , politics etc m...


To be Married or Not to be Married

Tribute to my Sister

Judge on facts, not perceptions